
Our Company is most valuable company

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During the oil boom, the Saudi government started focused spending on various programs on the country’s infrastructure. This offered huge business opportunities in many sectors of the economy. Thus, Wallan Trading Company (WTC) learnt to diversify its business and benefit from the opportunities. Wallan transformed from a small establishment to a large business group, including several strategic business units, such as:

Wallan is now a leading Business Conglomerate in the Saudi market. It proactively observes and approaches investment opportunities and business partners, always aware that it must be able to deliver on its promises and ensure investment objectives. The Group has several strengths that attract investors, these include.

Wallan is an established Group with 4 decades of business achievements in the market
Wallan is an established Group with 4 decades of business achievements in the market
Financial Stability
Wallan is an established Group with 4 decades of business achievements in the market.
Wallan is an established Group with 4 decades of business achievements in the market

Our Core Values

‹‹Respect››, in its broadest sense is the core basic value of Wallan Group. It includes:

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Automobile Brands. Authorised

Hyundai Motors, Genesis, Kenworth, and Geely Moto

Distributor of Hyundai Motors, Genesis, Kenworth,

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum

There are many variations of passages

MATJEL LTD - Name of Trust